The direct approach is an active step to identify and to contact target candidates. Make the recruitment successful we employ a rigorous method for each recruitment:
- Identifying needs and expectations of customers and possible targets
Our consultants have higher education. They have an important experience in medical recruitment, so they know how to work in technical environment where responsiveness and quality of the recruitment are essential for customers.
To every job entrusted the consultant discuss with the team and choose the right method in order to define by mission, the best strategy to operate and the countries to investigate according to the concerned speciality.
- further validation of professional experience of the candidates and analysis of their know-how, their values and motivations
- verification of their diplomas and references
All approached candidates are selected on strictly professional criteria such as experience, formation, salary, language skills, geographical mobility... To each profile approached and selected a tracking file is opend, containing all the information about the candidate such as formation, experience, salary, language skills, motivation...
- Presentation of candidates to the client and organization of their trip to France (transport, accomodation, contacts...)
- Assist foreign candidates in their administrative procedures (registration to General Medical Council ...)
- Keeping contact with the candidate during the trial period.
Keeping contact with the candidate during their trial period is essential. The consultant defines with the client the periocidity of contact and the actions to implement depending on the quality of the candidate’s integration. The contact is done in agreement with the client / candidate.
- An analysis of client’s satisfaction
The consultant responsible for the missions is in constant contact with the customer. Has in charge the achievement of ongoing missions and set up news strategies in order to maintain a permanent progress.